Why Brand Identity Matters

Written By: M.Michelle

Music fills the room, the bass radiating through my body. House lights dim as the DJ’s lights prance around the room inviting guests to the dance floor. Speeches just wrapped and I need a moment to decompress. I find a nook behind the DJ to hide out for a moment but as soon as I sat my equipment down an elderly woman seated at a nearby table smiled, patting the chair beside her. I easily accepted the unspoken offer. She grabbed my hand, gripping it tightly as if she feared I would leave. She leaned in asking, “What’s your name?” Looking into her eyes, I smiled as I replied, Michelle. She gasped dramatically; a river of sadness immediately formed in her eyes. She pulled me in closer, gripping my hands tighter, her emotions forcing the shaky next statement… “My daughter’s name was Michelle”. Taking time out of my day to be a listening ear for the bride’s grandmother is not part of the wedding filmmaker job description. However, as a holistic narrative storyteller, it is a part of my brand identity.

What is Brand Identity?

Brand Identity, not to be confused with a logo, is a component of your brand that makes you more easily identifiable amongst the crowd. It doesn’t happen as much now that we have such advances technology on our phones, but have you ever found yourself in a position where you had to ask for directions or help? Typically, you find someone who appears to be safe to approach. This is seen by their demeanor. They may have kind eyes or maybe they walked past you, offering a polite smile. We identify them by the way they present themselves. This, in simple terms, is brand identity. Think of one of your favorite brands. How do you find it in the store? Is it their logo? The color scheme? How do you find your favorite brand of bread in the grocery story? Well, first you make your way to the bread aisle. Then you look for the one that’s familiar to you. While the logo and color scheme may be the first thing you notice, what you most identify with is the emotional connection with that brand. Before you decided to take notice of the logo and color scheme that makes it more identifiable, you took notice of a product you identified with. Maybe it that it’s whole grain or the brand support local farmers. Brand identity is how we present ourselves, products, or services. So, what does a person or businesses brand identity tell us about ourselves?

Identifying Trustworthy Brands

Actions speak louder than words. At some point in our live I’m sure we’ve heard this phrase. How much trust would you put into a person or brand that said all the right things but their actions reflected the opposite of what they speak? While you may fall for the sweet nothings for a while, eventually you’ll wake up to the truth, feeling used and put off.

For some people, my act of taking the time to listen to the grandmother would be viewed as untrustworthy. As a solo filmmaker, they may think this means I’m not able to capture all the great moments. But for the couple I was filming with, this moment proved my trust and solidified my brand identity. Their grandmother was there to help celebrate this beautiful occasion. My taking a few minutes to allow her a safe space to release the hurt that kept her from fully being in the moment with her loved one’s allowed her to speak her peace and keep from burdening or dampening the party with her pain. Once the grandmother released those feelings, she made her way to the dance floor, grabbed a drink, and began celebrating, fully embracing the beauty of the moment.

The Cheers Effect

Going where everyone knows your name not only give you a sense of belonging but it creates a safe space for you to be vulnerable. I often visit the same handful of restaurants because they’re consistent in how they prepare the food, and we build a rapport Our exchanges exceed the basic worker patron passive dialogue you often receive at restaurants. This reassurance is what I aim to offer my clients. They should know what they’re getting into and feel secure in knowing I will deliver the level of service they invested in.

Before anyone see’s your logo they see you or the heart of your business. While a logo may make you more easily identifiable in a crowd, the heart of your identity is what will turn a stranger into a devoted client.

What is your personal or business brand identity? Take some time to access the story you’re telling and ensure it matches your actions. When you’re ready to expound on your brand identity, we’ll be here, awaiting the opportunity to join your journey to sharing your story.