7 Reasons Your Business Needs Social Media

Written By: M.Michelle

Once upon a time, memorable ads lived rent-free in our heads with catchy jingles and sound bites. Ah, the 1900s, what a time to be alive! But let's leave that nostalgia for advertising history in the late 1900’s.

Today, major brands dominate platforms like the Super Bowl and Times Square for ad space. But what about smaller businesses without million-dollar budgets? You break the fourth wall. This invisible barrier separates audiences from actors, but for brands, it's an opportunity to deepen relationships with customers.

So, how can entrepreneurs and small business owners create memorable ads without breaking the bank? The answer: craft a brand strategy and content that resonates with your audience, using social media platforms to break that fourth wall.

Here are seven reasons why your business should embrace social media:

1. Findability: Your presence on social media platforms makes you more discoverable. A simple Google search related to your brand can lead users to your social media pages, boosting credibility and familiarity.

2. Brand Awareness: Your social media pages should be like window shopping. Make it easy for visitors to scan your content and get hooked, leading them to hit that follow button. For this to happen, you need content. Ideally enough to send them down the rabbit hole of your branded content.

3. Deeper Connections: Treat every interaction as an opportunity to build a connection. Share relatable content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or insights into your brand values. Humanize your brand to foster loyalty. No one wants to feel page feeling objectified.

4. Brand Messaging Clarity: Clarify your message to minimize confusion. Have enough content to explain who you are and what you offer without overwhelming your audience.

5. Market Research: Graphs, numbers, and measurements, oh my! Social media platforms offer valuable insights into your audience's preferences and behavior. Use this data to refine your content and improve engagement.

6. Community: Build a community where both the brand and customers add value to each other. Encourage word-of-mouth referrals and create a safe space for like-minded individuals.

7. Passive Income: Don't neglect the potential for passive income. Whether it's podcasts or series related to your brand, explore avenues that can generate additional revenue streams.

Congratulations, you made it to the end! Hopefully, you now have a clearer idea of how to leverage social media for your business. While the days of unforgettable jingles might be behind us, social media offers endless opportunities to deepen relationships with our customers.

Ready to elevate your social media game? Check out our Brand Films for inspiration and reach out to start your journey towards social media success.